Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14 (no really it is!)

Today I am thankful that my family are not picky eaters.  I know it seems trivial but I am the family cook and only very rarely does anyone turn up their nose.  My youngest child is probably the most picky and with him I just avoid bones and leave some stuff plain because he doesn't like sauces much.  My husband loves fried liver and onions which I would never buy let alone cook but yet he has never complained about it.  I pretty much just make up recipes as I go along with whatever I have on hand.  Nothing ever tastes the same way twice because of that.  I cook healthy yet no one complains.  My husband was discussing my cooking with a carpool lady once and she was amazed that I cook almost every night with food that is generally from scratch.  It isn't pretty by any stretch of the imagination but it is tasty, filling and pretty good for you.  I don't know what I would do if I had a bunch of picky people?  I can barely make up one dinner a day!!!

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