Monday, December 12, 2011

Pepe aka the current ruler of my deck

In the Winter we put food out for the birds on the deck.  It is nice to look at all of them flitting in and out.  We also get some squirrels who make it up to our second story deck.  Well, the one that has decided to come this year so far I have named Pepe.  Last week he was all friendly and ate at one of the feeders, allowing the birds to eat at the others.  Well... Today Pepe is being a total and complete bully!  He grabs a pile of food, goes to sit in the flower box and eat it.  When any bird gets even the idea to come to the deck he flits his tail like he is sending morse code or something.  He is running from one end of the deck to the other warding off anything that may want to come get a bite to eat.  I even saw him scolding birds in nearby trees.  Pepe is the current ruler of my deck.  I really think he needs to be taken down a peg!

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