Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunday drives and a canned ham

Long before malls were open Sundays, when the blue laws were still in effect Sundays revolved around driving and canned hams.  Blue laws made it illegal for stores to be open for business on Sundays.  We had to entertain ourselves and could not spend the day at the mall buying things we probably didn't need or could afford anyway!

My mom is currently visiting me and we have had a lot of time to talk while doing various things. Picking out paint for one of my bathrooms, sorting old photographs etc. She reminded me of the Sunday rituals of when I was growing up. I grew up in South Eastern Wisconsin. In a town called Cedarburg which is North a bit from Milwaukee. It is one of the cutest small towns in the country. I had lots of family that lived in nearby towns and loads of family friends. Sunday we would go visiting or they would visit us.

In those days Sunday was a day for visiting. Everyone did it. No one called ahead to see if you were home and make a date. You just got in your car and drove around until you found family or friend to spend the afternoon with. If the first family was off driving themselves, you went on to the next person you maybe haven't seen in awhile. Some weekends you stayed home and waited for visitors.

That is where the canned ham comes in. Everyone had a canned ham in the refrigerator in case someone stopped by. You could quickly make a nice meal for them. For your own family you wouldn't break out the canned ham. It was saved in the refrigerator for guests. Peel some potatoes, make the canned ham and a few cans of corn or beans and you had the makings of a feast. I remember that funny shape the can was for the ham, and the key you had to carefully open the can with. That strip of metal that came off was dangerous and sharp. My mother told me each time to save me from a nasty cut.

Those impromptu visits were the best. I am sure the parents loved them. The whole community of love, the sharing of stories that occurred from the last visit. Updating each other on other families you maybe have seen recently. Maybe a beer or two or Mogan David wine in a gallon jug (my grandma Ann's personal favorite). But those Sundays were made for us kids. We got to see cousins, friends and play! We all made up games, played hide and seek etc. The parents didn't orchestrate our time. We were expected to use our imaginations and "go have fun". Have fun! We sure did that!

So thinking of today. I would never drop at any one's home unannounced. I don't have a canned ham in my refrigerator and no one comes to my home on Sunday afternoons either. I don't think technology has changed how we socialize I think going to the mall on Sunday has.

I think I need to go get a ham and invite people to come. Try in a small way to honor my childhood and the love that I got to feel on those many Sunday afternoons.

1 comment:

Kimmber said...

That's very interesting! Some of our towns in Jersey still have the blue laws, not because of visiting, but because of traffic.

I'm not a big fan of drive by visitors, so I won't be getting that ham!