Thursday, February 16, 2012


I don't like anxiety.  It usually happens for things I logically and intellectually know are no big deal but  it still creeps in when I am not looking.  Yesterday I had my annual exam with my allergist.  Well not exactly MY allergist since mine was deployed (military Dr.)  but a NEW allergist.  Because I had not met this allergist my blood pressure began to rise.  I logically knew that he/she wasn't going to do anything painful.  Oddly just the thought of having to share my medical story with a new person was enough to set me off.

I had my two allergy shots before the appointment.  The young men who give me the shots took my pulse and BP.  I told them I was anxious and thought my bp would probably be higher than normal.  I could feel it!!  So the three of them all in military uniform I might add, stood in a semi-circle in front of me waiting for the machine to finish checking my bp.  I don't think having them stare at me helped lower it any!

It was elevated, not dangerously but it was 135/97.  It is normally lower than that for sure.  All because I was going to see a new Dr.  I did what I could to try and calm myself and I got through it.  I also probably should mention that when I get like that I talk and talk and crack jokes.... It is embarrassing to be sure because it is like my brain has been taken over.  I guess it could be worse, I could get mean, grumpy or weepy to those I encounter.  As it is I think I am a bit of humorous crazy for a little bit.

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