Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Need VS Need

Right now what I NEED to take a break. Like a week long vacation away from the house, alone in a hotel room getting massages every day. Need, I don't mean want, I mean need. I am under a ton of stress and there is no way to relieve it. I feel helpless, hopeless and just plain worn out. I have been having some weird occular migraines. Really pretty to look at but scary none the less. I need a break from parenting, I need a break from taking care of the house and the bills and buying the food and the animals..........

What I also need is to go to physical therapy to get ready for my shoulder surgery next month. I need to make sure the van gets a new windshield because it is broken badly. I need to pick my mother and father in law up at the airport. I need to get my son from school after his track practice. I need to be ready for seeing my husband after so many months. I need to .................

The need to do the second bunch will outweigh the first. I have to find a way to fit me in. I feel a bit like the pond in Spring with tiny cracks around the edges. If I am not careful there will be holes and no one needs that! The good news is the soldier is on his way. He should be here at home by tomorrow night. Maybe we both could just curl up in bed and sleep? That sounds really good!


Cindy said...

Hopefully your soldier will be home tomorrow night and you can lock yourself away doing physical therapy and massages while sleeping for a week and maybe kill 2 or 3 birds with one stone.

Sounds fun if nothing else... :D

Love you!

Alexis Jacobs said...

I hope you have been able to get that much needed break ((hugs))